This page will show you how to add a service to space in general. Some services may require additional settings to be set up, please see their respective help page or contact us.

Adding a Service to a Space

Users with write access to a space will be able to access the 'Space settings' menu located on the taskbar on the left.

Select the 'Services' submenu, the right panel will show any services already present on the space and in the bottom right there will be a '+ Add a new service' button.

Press this to set up a new service, a window will pop up where you can select a template for the service you wish to add or use a blank template to fully customize the service.

Select a template you wish to use and press 'ok' in the bottom right corner.

For this example we'll be using the 'Upload Excel' template, other templates might look differently.

At the top is the title of your service, this is the name that will be used in the left panel of your working space.

Template: (Template will be filled in automatically when choosing a template, description can be filled out optionally)

  • Template: This will determine what the window that pops up when using the service will look like, for example: in the case of 'Upload File' it will contain a button to select a file for uploading.
  • Description: This allows you to add a description for the service that can be seen in the 'Services' menu where you created a new service for quick information about the configuration.

Service: (will be filled in automatically when choosing a template)

  • Service name: Determines which service is used by the server, for importing and exporting the 'Weaver Importer Exporter' should be used and for the transformation service 'Weaver Transform' should be used.  
  • Function call: Allows to choose a function from the service that is called upon in the field above this one

Config: (Will partially be filled in automatically when selecting a template, some fields can be skipped)

  • File: Default should be switching from 'Static' to 'User provided' and in the field 'File' should be selected
  • Profile: Depends on the service you are using, some services have multiple profiles for the same file type. For example: for excel files you can use raw-xl or excel-path. In case you use the last one, the file will need to be formatted in a certain way for the service to work. When using a template and leave this option blank it will use the default profile for the template if present.
  • Config: Allows for additional parameters to be set for a service. Can usually be left blank in which case the default config will be used.

After all the fields have been set, press the green checkmark at the bottom of the page to save the service, it can now be accessed in the space.